Thehunter call of the wild guns
Thehunter call of the wild guns

thehunter call of the wild guns

  • It is possible to run “into” the lake in Rotonui in TAR.
  • Using the "reset skills" or "reset perks" buttons will not remove the effects of the skills/perks until you return to the main menu, change reserves, or exit the game.
  • Switching ammo type once will synchronize the sight and the ammo.
  • When the drilling rifle is first equipped, the Rifle Ammo is active, but the Shotgun Iron Sight is also active.
  • The Strecker 20G is zeroed incorrectly.
  • It is possible to use backpacks without the noise/visibility penalty.
  • Wobbly high powered scopes for weapons when holding breath while aiming.
  • If you can find it, you can still claim it, but if it had head ornaments they will be gone forever.
  • If an animal’s carcass becomes further than 400m from the player, it may be “un-drawn” from the game.
  • Some pistols which should be affected by the "Manual Chambering '' game setting are in fact, not.
  • Bison and Cape buffalo are hunter killers and will chase the player across the entire map.
  • After using binoculars or any scopes, the your character may have a MIGHTY NEED to face North.
  • Animals sometimes fail to flee (and will stare you down).
  • Animals occasionally channel their inner FUNK to slide around instead of walking.
  • Arrows retrieved from the field return to the players storage instead of their inventory.
  • #Thehunter call of the wild guns skin

    270 Warden skin is not available on consoles

  • It is possible to fire infinite rounds when shooting from the hip and not moving.
  • First Aid Kits sometimes fail to heal.
  • Geese and ducks are not being attracted to their callers.
  • Raccoons are currently listed as a Class 1 animal, instead of class 2.
  • Clues identified by the "Disturbed Vegetation" skill are not spawning correctly.
  • This has been resolved for the female Red Deer.
  • The new LOD’s for animals can cause them to appear invisible at varying distances until the character is within about 50m.
  • Click here to read the list of resolved issues that accompanied this latest release.
  • (Dec 7 2021) Mississippi Acres Preserve DLC: Simultaneous launch across all platforms.
  • (Dec 15 2021) PlayStation/Xbox HOTFIX: Frequent crashes on consoles, especially prevalent on MAPR.
  • = Reported and under investigation/unable to reproduce.
  • If you encounter any bugs or issues, please send a detailed email to our support team (preferably including visual aids such as screenshots or videos and save game files).

    Thehunter call of the wild guns